Bailey’s Restaurant & Lounge has an elegant, inviting atmosphere that’s welcoming to everyone. For an intimate date night, an exciting night of drinks and socializing, or a family gathering, Bailey’s is the hub of the Winnipeg community. We have private rooms, a lounge for drinks, and a main dining area for a lively eating experience.
Multi-Level Restaurant
Our restaurant, located in a century-old building, is on two levels to optimize space and enhance the dining experience. Formal dining rooms are located on the second floor while the lounge is on the main floor for easy access.
The Evolution of Winnipeg
Bailey’s Restaurant & Lounge building has borne witness to the growth and the seasons of Winnipeg. It has stood through the violence of the 1919 General Strike and the ravages of the 1950 Red River flood waters. It has witnessed the evolution of the most famous intersection in Canada, Portage and Main, and has seen the construction of the corporate towers at the heart of Winnipeg’s business district. Today, our vintage bar stands strong within the historic Exchange District at 185 Lombard Avenue.
Changes over the Years
Built in 1900 by banker W.F. Alloway, this building has been home to a parade of business tenants including the Manitoba Hospital Commission, Manitoba Health Services and even Great West Life until it was finally converted into a restaurant in 1971. Known then as Oliver’s Restaurant and the Old Bailey’s Lounge, some say its hospitable architecture attracted the attention of the Manitoba’s early Progressive Conservative Party and served as its club. Here, members could relax, enjoy fellowship and contemplate the Party’s future.
A Century of History
Today, century-old ghosts may still cross the threshold of Bailey’s stately oak doors and mingle with its friendly staff and guests. They, like you, are infinitely welcome, since even after almost four decades, Bailey’s management and staff sincerely appreciate the opportunity to serve you. Contact us and visit our historic restaurant and bar.
Enjoy food, drinks and entertainment in our stately, century-old building.